Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sex Education The Lack Of Religious Influence Essays -

Sex Education: The Lack Of Religious Influence Sex. Just reading or saying the word demands attention. Sex is the one of the most important things in our species. Humans rely on sex for reproduction, affection, and pleasure. The surprising thing is about sex is the amount of responsibility and consequences involved. The largest part in the responsibility aspect is the decision of when to have sex. One of the greatest issues for a lot of people and politicians is sexual activity by teenagers. Yet through my research I believe society has lost focus on a more important issue in sexual relations. Our society has seemed to over look the moral responsibility of sex. Whether it is a religious or family based sense of morality, sex is an issue for more than just teens. I do not know of any religion that condones sex before marriage, at any age. It seems that morals of all kinds look down on premarital sex, yet it is one of the greatest epidemics that plagues modern society. Teenagers are definitely a great concern when speaking of premarital sex. I would like to believe that societys concern for these teens is out of a moral and religious attitude. Yet politicians as well as society seem to care more about the problems after the fact, like health and welfare costs. Ten percent of all 15 to 19 year-old females become pregnant each year. More than 80 percent of pregnant girls under age 17 who give birth and keep their babies end up on welfare, costing society a staggering $21 billion a year. Three million new cases of STDs among teens are reported each year. Every 10 seconds a teenage becomes sexually active for the first time. All the concern over pregnancy and STDs doesnt seem to be deterring sexual activity. With out a focus on religious or moral responsibility teens will not be discouraged. I mean 55% of students surveyed had sexual intercourse with another student during their high school years. Forty-six percent of those used no form of contraceptio n. Every 26 seconds a baby is born to an unmarried mother. Seventy-three percent of all teens say that the reason they engage in sex is due to the social pressure. Social pressure! By the age of 13, 43% of churched teens had experienced sexual intercourse and 65% of the youth had engaged in fondling breasts and/or sexual intercourse. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. [I Corinthians 7:9]. Seems to be that our teens do not know or care about there religious responsibilities. Again the main focus is to help prevent teens from becoming a burden to themselves, their possible children, and society. What about the LORD? Who is going to teach the unselfish thinking of the religious responsibility to wait for marriage? No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. [I Corinthians 10:12-13] Premarital sex will always be a part of societys issues, but with proper influences beyond the physical aspects (i.e. pregnancy, STDs) we might be able to create a healthy discussion about it. I recently took a survey, asking four simple questions in regards to peoples opinions about premarital sex and religious influence. I was surprised at a lot of the responses. My four questions were: 1. What is the value of sex in a relationship, married or not? I asked this question because I wanted to know how people viewed the act of sex. I was curious as to whether people believed that sex was just a physical act of intimacy or a deeply personal form of communication. The responses were various but seem to portray three things. One was that sex is just as it is said, sex. Another was that sex represented closeness between two people. Last was that sex is a special bond for married people. 2. Is it ok to have sex before marriage? I thought this was

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The American View of America Essay Sample

The American View of America Essay SampleThe American View of America essay sample is ideal for students who are seeking to write an essay that educating their audience and also gives them the necessary background to understand the topic in a unique way. The point of view essay needs to present a new perspective on a familiar issue, and also highlight key points. As the essay has to be succinct and not too long, it is important that it is correctly developed, that each paragraph is in line with the rest of the essay, and that the essay itself is free from grammatical errors.The American View of America essay sample is setting out to be simple to understand and is very interactive to allow students to become more involved with the material. The student can complete the essay by simply reading the introduction and following through to the conclusion. The student should be able to write an essay by following a step by step approach.The American View of America essay sample features an i ntroduction that outlines the topic and provides a brief outline of why the essay is important. The introduction provides key information to the student and helps them get started writing the essay. The introduction also provides some information about the author and where they got the ideas for the essay. The introduction provides a starting point and will help them to make the outline in their head and to create the structure needed for the essay.The first paragraph of the American View of America essay sample is the most important. The first paragraph provides information about the essay topic as well as a short summary of the content of the essay. It also introduces the reader to the topic by telling them what it is all about. The essay and its theme should be clearly explained to the reader before they can begin to look at the content of the essay.The second paragraph of the essay will describe the main body of the essay. The main body will give the readers an overview of the m ain point of the essay, as well as how the reader can look at the subject from many different perspectives. The essay will illustrate how different views and perspectives can work together to produce a new idea and the process that ideas go through to become reality.The last paragraph is to summarise the whole essay. The last paragraph provides the summary of the entire essay. It discusses points raised in the body of the essay, and tells how the overall topic can be interpreted to the reader. It may also briefly touch on some of the key points in the body of the essay.The American View of America essay sample is given a slightly different approach to that used in standard practice. The essay was originally designed to allow the student to use their own style of writing. It has been carefully designed to allow for creative expression without causing any grammatical errors. This provides a more creative approach and will encourage the student to use their own style and make their own contribution to the essay.The writer will be introduced to several formats for creating their English composition. These formats include full stops, commas, periods, quotation marks, invisible text, single and double quotes, parenthesis, indented code blocks, variables, back ticks, and inline comments. These will all be discussed in detail in the various sections of the essay that are provided for the student to work from.